Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cognitive Surplus

How many times have I lounged around, hanged out, watched T.V, and prolonged schoolwork and studying?
Too many times to count.
In life, what will the amount of time that I spend doing unproductive work equal to? Clay Shirky says that combined with everyone else in the world, it equals to 1 trillion hours of free time, a year. A trillion! That's mind blowing, insane, crazy! Imagine if that time was used for work and studying. Instead that time is used for cognitive surplus instead. Something I think is way better. Now cognitive surplus, what is it? It's a surplus of thinking, it represents the world's ability to collaborate on large or global projects. It is integrating information.
Don't pinch yourself, this is not a dream.

Yes it is true. It is possible.

Cognitive surplus is raising the levels of media and how imformation is broadcasted throughout the world. Take a look at a site with a humble beginning, Ushahidi. It started in 2007,in Kenya when the totalitarian government shut down the media. It was like during the recent revolution of Egypt. Media was down, Kenya had a frown, but Ushahidi was there to turn the tables around. Ushahidi, which means testimony in Swahili, is an example of cognitive surplus and how it changes how information is passed around. After the fallout of the Kenya election, they made this site where people everywhere could blog or send info to Ushahidi to map out reports of violence. Since then in three years, it has become a global website to map out reports all over the world, thanks to people and their free time.
Cognitive surplus is getting big and helping the world, and it is no thanks to those with fat wallets. This system is like Daniel Pink's ted talk on motivation, and how business runs better with certain motivation. If you had the time to read my post below, you would know what im talking about. If you said, "I dont have time to read all three posts, I have better things to do!" Then let me fill you in. Daniel Pink says we do things better not for rewards, but because we want too, and that is how cognitive surplus is being run. By the people for the people. That is how these websites are so successful and full of information.
Now there are two values that can be made by the people, communal value and civic value. Communal value is made by the people for a small "community" to enjoy. Civic value is to help the world as a whole, and when it comes for the time of civic value and it comes for change, it wont sustain if it is an economic deal. We need to connect with people which is going to make the difference.
Another example of cognitive surplus would have to be wikipedia. That is a non profit organization made by normal people, but is one of the most updated and informed site in the world. Mrs. Smith, an english teacher, told us of how when Mubarak stepped down from power, the instant he did that wikipedia changed his page from President of Egypt, too former President of Egypt. In such a small amount of time. WOAH. It is the power of cognitive surplus baby.

In agreeing with Clay Shirky, cognitive surplus is going far in changing the world.

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