Monday, April 18, 2011

Control Yourself!

Aids, cancer, the swine flu, those are diseases we fear the most. Dean Ornish says pish posh to those, we got a bigger problem. There is a disease that is the cause of more deaths than other sicknesses combined, and it could be preventable. Cardiovascular disease, the silent killer. The deaths by cardiovascular disease in Africa equals to the number of deaths by HIV and AIDS in most other countries. We could prevent it, says Dean Ornish, but instead we are helping spread the cause of cardiovascular disease to countries in Asia. McDonalds, Burger King, are to name a few of the fast food chains we are encouraging throughout the world.
Before, Asia was the place with the least percentage of cardiovascular disease and food related problems, now it has the highest rate of cardiovascular disease. It’s because they eat like us so they get sick like us. Dean Ornish says that cardiovascular disease could be preventable for 95% of the population. That is a lot. By changing diets, eating healthier, and working out, the number one cause of death would not be the number one cause of death.
I can relate personally to the bad diet and felt it affect me personally. I know that you expected me to say something big, like I was once obese, that I couldn’t breathe well, but the diet of fast food affected me in a different manner. Since I eat healthy and work out, whenever I get a burger from McDonalds or Burger King as a fast snack, I would later regret it when being pained by heartburn and an upset stomach.
Dean Ornish was really effective at his talk by incorporating factual information and comparisons. This TED on the killer diet of Americans is very important to everyone because we could lead a longer life and stay healthy and happy if we listened and knew about what we are getting ourselves into.

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